How it works

To Donate Anonymously:

  1. Browse and Select a campaign category
  2. Click on "Donate Now" button
  3. Enter your donation amount and other infromation on the payment form
  4. Click on "Make Anonymous donation" chckbox and Click Donate button

We highly recommend you to SIGN UP before making a donation so we can provide you updates periodicly. 

Membership Registration:

  1. Click on SIGN UP button
  2. Fillup the form and Click on Sign up button
  3. Verify your email address
  4. Now you are able to login and able to see all the membership features

Create a Campaign:

  1. Login as a member
  2. Click on "Create Campaign" button at the top right corner
  3. Fill up the Create Campaign form accodingly
  4. Click on Create Campaign Button at the bottom

You will require a campaign image of max 3MB and 800x400 size.
Aid Accord will verify the information and Approve if appropriate. Please note that you are subject to provide transperent reports to AID ACCORD regularly. Otherwise, campaign will be removed until required information is provided.
Please Note:

  1. Please include your team members full name, email address and phone numbers within your campaign details specially those who are involved in fund distribution activities. 
  2. Keep all the documents (no exceptions) and report to Aid Accord just in time and whenever asked by AidAccord or Local Authorities.
  3. This is a non-political organization and therefore Committee should not build to represent any particular political organization.
  4. Aid Accord will also engage and recommend special representatives to be part of the Aid Governance Process. 
  5. No misconduct will have a second opinion and will be published in printed and social medias.